Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2nd interview

Today I did another interview. Same as yesterday, I asked 20 random people to fill in my interview questions and here’re some of the answers
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
What costume did you wear in Halloween?
French maid outfit
Pac man ghost
Why do you wear that particular costume?
didn't find the one I really wanted
I love video games!
it's for a party
Which do you think categorize your costume (funny, sexy, scary, or cool)
Did you make your own costume or buy it in store?

The percentages of the people who make their own costume are 50%, while the percentage of people who categorize their costume to sexy is the same as the first interview, which is 20%. Although it is clear from these 40 people that most of them didn’t wear sexy outfits in Halloween, this kind of contradicts with what people are saying these days. For example, in the movie “Mean Girls”, all the girls wear revealing costumes such as Playboy Bunny, sexy mouse, etc, and Lindsay Lohan (who is the main character) is the only one who wears a scary dead bride costume. In the movie, people are staring and questioning the costume that she wears, one of the guy even say, “That’s a scary mask bro”. You can check out the video in the link below
So then how can I make a conclusion for this interview part of my experiment, when two different sources contradict with each other? I think this occur due to the particular people that I interview. If I interview hundreds of girls who have mindsets like those girls in the movie, then I would definitely have 90% of females wearing sexy clothing. However, in this experiment, I will conclude that a lot of women didn’t demand those costumes sold in store and that the amount of sexy costume sold have no effect on the choice that women make, because they create their own outfits.

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